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Replace The Income Tax With Tariffs?
There was a time, before 1913, when you could keep every penny you earned. You did not have to file with the federal government, telling them what you earned and giving the feds their cut. Your finances were your business and no one else’s. You had the right to earn, own, and keep property, and it was sacrosanct, guaranteed by U.S. law and tradition.
Read MoreSlash The Fat: 16 Agencies To Terminate
Under our three savings bucket scheme, “Slashing the Fat” from the Federal payroll and bureaucracy would account for just $400 billion or 20% of DOGE’s $2 trillion per year savings target. Needless to say, however, even that small portion would be far easier said than done. --[snip]-- So we begin the payroll savings analysis by bringing the hammer down terminally on the 16 worst and most unneeded Federal agencies, including the FBI, OSHA, the FTC, and the Department of Education.
Read MoreLt. Gov. Mark Robinson Announces Lawsuit Against CNN
RALEIGH, NC – Today, North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark K. Robinson and the Binnall Law Group announced the filing of a lawsuit in Wake County Superior Court against CNN and Louis Love Money for defamation in response to last month's reports designed to attack North Carolina's Republican nominee for governor and interfere with the November 5 election.
Read MoreChurch, Unite for the Soul of America!
Christians need to be engaged in the 2024 presidential election. The freedoms we enjoy and the country that we love are in jeopardy. But Christians must unite if we are to make a difference.
Read MoreEmergency Use Authorization for mRNA Bird-Flu Shots
The medical establishment is teeing up for the launch of another "pandemic," this one centering around H5N8 Influenza, also known as avian influenza or bird flu.
Read MoreComply Or Else - Proof Of Censorship
The machine has been built and put into action over nearly a decade but largely in secret. Its way of doing business has been via surreptitious contacts with media and tech companies, intelligence carve-outs in “fact-checking” organizations, payoffs, and various other clever strategies, all directed toward boosting some sources of information and suppressing others.
Read MoreInterviews of candidates in District-13 run-off
Carolina Journal interviews the four candidates running in the District-13 primary run-off election. This run-off election is on Tuesday, May/14, 2024.
Read MoreU.S. Constitution paramount
At some point, our Constitution will have been so undermined that it won’t be a foundation upon which classical liberalism, natural law, inalienable rights, property rights, and sovereignty of individuals and states can stand. Attacks come from totalitarian forces of progressive fascism, communism, globalism, and sharia law.
Read MoreSplinter the UniParty into a Thousand Pieces
As we have previously documented, America is now careening on fiscal automatic pilot toward a $140 trillion public debt by mid-century, but the overwhelming share of House Republicans choose to hammer the US economy with even more debt to fund pointless foreign aid boondoggles, while shackling private citizens and entrepreneurs with government intrusions based on the paranoid lies of the national security state.
Read MoreCongress Passes FISA-702 Extension --- On Patriots Day 2024
Sixty senators in the U.S. Congress violated their oath of office (which oath is to obey the Constitution for the united States) – by voting to pass the bill to reauthorize the FISA-702 abomination. These senators did this evil deed in the darkness shortly after midnight between 2024-Apr-19 and 2024-Apr-20.
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