Chair's Comments
Unalienable Rights – PJ Gentry
We Americans have much for which to be grateful. We cling to the promises that our Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantee us, certain unalienable rights – while we watch and live with upheaval and turmoil within our own borders. [snip]
Candidates Corner
This section has been updated since last month. It has:
(a) a listing of all the Republican candidates known to be in the Primary Election in Person County on Tuesday 2024-Mar-5;
(b) a hyperlink which can be used to obtain sample ballots for this Primary Election -
Public Opinion
Killing the Fake Climate Crisis
Part III: CO2 – Not The Villain You Thought
January 29, 2024
By: A. Withers, Member of Person County GOPAs you probably know, the cornerstone of Joe Biden’s “climate action” plan is an attempt by Democrats to use the colorless and odorless gas called carbon dioxide (CO2) as an excuse to completely control our energy industries, and from that to control as much of the entire American economy as possible.
Their plan goes like this: If we can get the American people to believe that CO2 is “likely” the cause of our “predicted” disastrous climate changes, then Democrats can eliminate all fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas) that produce CO2 when burned. Then, they can control essentially everything else in our economy. Democrats would be in charge of virtually every aspect of our lives. [snip]
Topics of Interest
House calls on Cooper to secure NC amid border crisis
Brianna Kraemer
February 1, 2024Lawmakers say the crisis has turned every state into a border state, and if the governor won't help, then the General Assembly will take action on its own. [snip]
NC Legislative Updates
NC Department of Insurance -- Press Release
RALEIGH -- North Carolina Commissioner of Insurance Mike Causey has issued the following statement to clear up any confusion regarding the recent filing made by insurance companies: [snip]
Two Years of Changes in North Carolina Voter Registrations
As Democratic Registrations Decline, Republicans are on Track to Overtake Them in 2027
by Dr. Andy Jackson
January 4, 2024With a new year upon us, let’s see how voter registrations have changed over the past two years. [snip]
Fun Stuff
- Some funny cartoons
- Some quotes
Special Mention:
- Feb/5 (Monday) – Person County Commissioners Meeting
- Feb/8 (Thursday) – Person County Board of Elections Meeting
- Feb/8 (Thursday) – Person County School Board Meeting
- Mar/2 (Saturday) – PC-GOP Convention
- Mar/5 (Tuesday) – NC primary Election at your precinct
- For the People of Person County, here is some contact information for County Officials and State and National Officials
Next Meeting
PC-GOP February Meeting (February 15th, Thursday, 6:30 PM at La Piazza Restaurant, Uptown Roxboro)
(Speakers will be GOP candidates in the upcoming Primary Election.)
New Articles
The PC-GOP wants Articles
If you would like to write an article about an issue in Person County and to have it considered for publication in the next Newsletter, then please send a draft of it to "[email protected]".
©2024 Person County GOP