Chair's Comments – PJ Gentry
I am sure you, as the reader, are wondering what that question means. One, it was to get your attention; and two, to expound upon the purpose of primary elections. [snip]
District 13 Press Release – 2023-Dec-4
District 13 GOP Delegates Elect Farina Slate with Significant Mandate
Candidates Corner
List of Candidate Information for the 2024 Election Season
Public Opinion
A Transgender Master Class
November 16, 2023 – 3:30PM
By: A. Withers – member of Person County GOPThis month Imprimis presents an excellent article by Christopher F. Rufo entitled Inside the Transgender Empire. Rufo covers lots of transgender territory in his article, including: academics, politics, economics, medical treatments, surgical procedures (which might make your head explode), “medical centers”, and detransitioning. His ultimate attention is on the roles of children dragged into all this madness and mayhem. [snip]
Killing the Fake Climate Crisis
Part I – Is There Real Climate Consensus?
November 24, 2023 – 5:00PM
By: A. Withers – Member of Person County GOPThis is the first in a series of articles presenting facts and tools to help folks who are struggling with disinformation about climate change. These same facts and tools can also be used to fight climate change alarmists by disarmimg their fraudulent, misguided claims in verbal or social media exchanges. [snip]
Topics of Interest
Articles of Confederation – First American Government
Compiled by W. Baumeister – 2023-Nov-30
For those of us alive in 2023 it behooves us to understand at least a bit: (a) about the birth of the thirteen States in north America, and (b) about the subsequent creation of the first federal government for these thirteen united States. (In 1789 this first federal government was replaced with the second federal government, and in 2023 this second federal government still exists (though severely transmogrified).) [snip]
The Promise of 'Green Energy'
Especially One Key Promise They Are NOT Telling You About!
By: P. Lynch – 2023-Nov-30
In this country we have become accustomed to having electricity available whenever, wherever, and in whatever amounts we want — in the early days of the construction of our electric grid, our national energy policy was based on having generating units and transmission infrastructure to meet this mandate. Hundreds of coal fired power plants, and many thousands of miles of transmission lines were built, so that when you flip a switch, you can be sure ‘something will happen’. [snip]
NC Legislative Updates
Paré will not run for Congress – Carolina Journal
By: C.J. Staff – 2023-Nov-28
Rep. Erin Paré, R-Wake, announced on X that she will not be seeking election in North Carolina’s 13th Congressional District. In August, Paré released a hard-hitting campaign video in which she stated, “I won’t stand by while radical liberals ruin our economy, allow crime to run rampant on our streets, and indoctrinate our children.” [snip]
Fun Stuff
Christmas According to Kids
By: J. MacAdams – 2023-Dec-1
Several quotes and some funny cartoons
Special Mention:
- Dec/4-15 – NC election filing period
- Dec/9 (Saturday) – Patriot's Christmas Party at Homestead Steakhouse
- Jan/2 (Tuesday) – Person County Public Hearing about changes to the DSS system
- Jan/26-27 – Carolina Liberty Conference in Raleigh
- The PCGOP is publishing a Calendar which shows various Events in or near Person County, and shows many of the Person County board meetings
- For the People of Person County, here is some contact information for County Officials and State and National Officials