Our November 2023 Newsletter is now out!
Reminder: Attention interested candidates for public office, the 2024 election cycle is kicking off.
[Update (2023-Nov-21). The Person County BoE says:
(A) filing opens on Dec. 4th and continues through Dec. 15th for candidates running for a partisan office (e.g. NC House, and county commissioner); and
(B) filing opens sometime in 2024-August for candidates running for a non-partisan office (e.g. school board commissioner, and soil & water commissioner).]
Find out more at the Person County Board of Elections.
Chair's Comments – PJ Gentry
Candidates Corner
Sheriff Sam Page – candidate for Lt. Governor
On October 19th the Person County GOP hosted Sheriff Sam Page, candidate for NC Lt. Governor. Sheriff Page made the trip from Rockingham County to discuss his position on the Constitution and his views for the future of this state to include his candidacy. [snip]
Public Opinion
Our Democrat National Disgraces
October 27, 2023
By: Andy Withers, member of Person County GOPIn this article, I shall address three prominent Democrat “national disgraces” which are particularly damaging to the fabric of America. These disgraces are exclusively the fault of the Democrat party, and can only be resolved by removing every possible Democrat politician from office, and every Democrat bureaucrat from our bureaucracies. [snip]
“This puppet show stays on because of you fools…” – Jeannie MacAdams
According to Wikipedia, Struggle Jennings is the grandson of guitarist great Duane Eddy and Jessi Colter, and the step-grandson of Waylon Jennings.1 I have to admit that I had never heard of either Struggle Jennings or Caitlynne Curtis before their video popped up in my YouTube feed.2 I thought the song was powerful and ran it by my millennial daughters to get their reactions. [snip]
Topics of Interest
Short-circuited: Biden’s electric car dream hits its final outage…
Did Joe Biden genuinely believe he could force all of America into becoming granola-eating electric-car users, despite an absolute lack of any infrastructure whatsoever, skyrocketing costs, and without comprehending how rural America functions? [snip] [external website – Revolver News]
NC Legislative Updates
Redistricting 2023
By: Andy PerrigoRedistricting, or reapportionment, is required by the US and NC Constitutions and is supposed to be done immediately after the US Census year – each "year that ends in zero." However, due to lawsuits and court redraws it has become common to see the redistricting process happen more than once in a decade. The US Constitution and the NC Constitution are largely silent as to the process, however. [snip]
What your NCGOP accomplished in the 2023 legislative session
Compiled by Andy Perrigo
Fun Stuff
- Some funny cartoons, and some quotes
- Some funny cartoons, and some quotes
Special Mention:
- Nov/4 – Rockingham GOP's Reagan-Helms Dinner – Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson will be speaking
- Nov/9 – P.C. School Board Meeting
- Dec/4-15 – NC election filing period
- The PCGOP is publishing a Calendar which shows various Events in or near Person County, and shows many of the Person County board meetings
- The P.C. Zoning & Planning Department has published their Unified Development Ordinance Final Draft
- For the People of Person County, here is some contact information for County Officials and State and National Officials