Welcome to our monthly Person County Republican Party newsletters. Their purpose is to keep you informed about what is happening on the ‘political front’ in Person County and those counties around us, and also on the State/National level. It contains opening comments from our Chair or Vice-Chair, an ‘opinion corner’ where club members and local Republicans can voice their comments on a personal level, some general ‘topics of interest’ from around the County or State or Nation, and links to our PCGOP Calendar with up-coming events. We also include links to County and State official websites and office phone numbers for your convenience in contacting them.
One thing we encourage and ask from you is to give us feedback! We need your input to make this newsletter relevant to all, and we are always looking for input. Your views are most welcome. We will contact you if your comments are selected to be put in the ‘opinions’ section, and ask for your permission to do so. We look forward to hearing from you!
The links below will take you to our webpages which have the email addresses and office phone numbers (if any) of our Commissioners, District State Representatives, State Senators offices, and others for you to use to contact them so your voice be heard on topics of importance to you. Your voice DOES matter, and they really do want to hear from their constituents on matters that they must make a decision upon when voting. They are bombarded with special interest group people and lobbyists with their own agendas, and hearing from ‘real people’ in their districts is a great help and encouragement to them. It is your right….use it!
Person County government officials
State and National government officials applicable to Person County
If you have any comments, suggestions, or would like to contact the PCGOP communications committee, then please write to us at: "[email protected]".
Thank you for your interest in Person County affairs! We look forward to hearing from many of you in the weeks ahead.
The PCGOP Communications Committee