Unalienable Rights

Unalienable Rights

We Americans have much for which to be grateful.  We cling to the promises that our Constitution and Bill of Rights guarantee us, certain unalienable rights — while we watch and live with upheaval and turmoil within our own borders.  Sad, and angry, to see that so many people are willing to scrap these priceless documents, and replace them with systems that have been proven failures throughout the course of history.

There appears to be no end to the mayhem elected leaders have created by delegating their authority to agencies which have no constitutional or legal authority.  We watch year after year as budgets, congress and associated agencies go unchecked.  We wait for congress to do something; but what exactly.  What is the actual plan to limit this giant octopus called the Federal Government?

Here’s what a former Tea Party leader stated:

The Enumerated Powers Act is supported by leaders of the U.S. Tea Party movement.  National Tea Party leader Michael Johns has said that progressives often "see the Constitution as an impediment to their statist agenda.  In almost all cases, though, there is very little thought or dialogue given to what should be the first and foremost question asked with every legislative or administrative governmental action: Is this initiative empowered to our federal government by the document's seven articles and 27 amendments?  In many cases, the answer is no."  "For this reason," Johns said, "we also strongly support the Enumerated Powers Act, which will require Congress to justify the Constitutional authority upon which all legislation is based."

It’s really very simple, follow the constitution as written – and revoke the 17 Amendment.  Give the States back their leg of the 3-legged stool by allowing the states to select Senators, as prescribed in the founding documents.  This alone would curtail the power of the federal government over the states, and make elected Senators much more accountable to their own states, and not to Washington.

A few simple steps to make some large corrections, but the real work will be overriding a vast army of elites that don’t want to see these improvements.  It calls for strong, tough leadership.  We need more real conservatives to stand up for this fight, not just with an R next their name.  Conservatives must be in the room and have a seat at the table when decisions affecting our nation, states, and local governments are concerned.  It’s not easy, it’s not convenient, but necessary, and what should be considered a true sacrifice for freedom.

Imagine if George Washington had said, “It’s too cold, I’m going home.”

PJ Gentry – Chair of Person County GOP
January 2024