District 13 Press Release – 2023-Dec-4

District 13 GOP Delegates Elect Farina Slate with Significant Mandate

Chairman Farina and team poised to lead revival.  Buoyed by Chairman Roger Farina’s stirring 2-minute address, District 13 Republicans elected the Farina slate with a significant mandate Saturday.  Promising principled leadership, grassroots empowerment and a “bright red” future, Chairman Farina and his team articulated a bold vision for growth and accountability that resonated with delegates.

“We’ve got two minutes to tell you how we are going to turn the 13th Congressional District Bright Red”, Chairman Farina thundered to cheers!  In just 120 seconds, he outlined an aggressive plan to develop all 137 precincts, support counties, hold elected officials accountable, and win up and down the ballot in 2024.  Flanked by a veteran team including: 1st Vice Chair Mike Magnanti, 2nd Vice Chair Eddie Helm, Secretary Jean Casanave, and Treasurer Kyle Burns – Chairman Farina won over the crowd with his enthusiasm, optimism, and commitment to Republican values.  “If we can do all of that in 2 minutes, just imagine what we can do in 2 years,” he exclaimed!  Chairman Farina, a retired Army Combat Veteran, pledged to lead with integrity as illustrated in the Warrant Officer’s code he lives by: “A Warrant Officer Will Not Lie, Cheat, Or Steal.”  Promising transparent fiscally responsible leadership, he asked delegates for their trust and vowed to be accountable to the grassroots.

The Farina slate’s victory with a significant mandate signals a new era of opportunity and activism for District 13 Republicans.  “This is important ... just imagine what we can do in 2 years,” Chairman Farina said.  After today’s triumph, the future looks bright red indeed.  The revival of conservatism in North Carolina starts NOW.

Contact: District 13 Republicans

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