June 2021 - Commissioner's Corner

Is Person County too old and too small to succeed?    For the past decade I have watched and waited for local elected officials to drive our county government towards economic progress.  I was convinced that if the right party and the right people were in place, we would make great progress.  I was wrong.

With over 10 years of studies and reports we can conclude that economic prosperity is within our grasp.  We have annual presentations on best practices, SWOT analysis, results of endless community meetings, multiple advisory board meetings with rotating members, and yet a clear-cut action plan is lacking.  

Do we have a clear, concise economic development mission statement?  I mean one that has depth, not just one that says it’s better in Person, that’s a slogan.  We need specific mission driven goals.  Each department in our county should know that mission statement and have a clear understanding of their part in the process. There needs to be means to measure, track and report goals. 

Sadly, government is not designed to facilitate and operate for profit.  Government operates in a political marketplace, not an economic one.  Government goals are often vague and difficult to measure or attain.   The worst part is that so many people acquiesce to this status quo.

As a small business owner, and a new member of the elected body, I can tell you this is one of the most frustrating issues for me.  I know as citizens we can do better, but the shackles of government monopoly and protocol restrains action.

What is so desperately needed in Person County is for the private sector to take the lead in our economic prosperity.  The private sector should be the headlights and not the taillights for the community.  Growth and prosperity are surrounding us in neighboring counties.  Our local chamber and other civic organizations should have front row seats and a place at the table when working on economic plans and solutions.  Local business needs to be in the trenches to spearhead the efforts to attract businesses and talent to our lovely community. 

We need to remember this is our community and our government, and the government works for us.  We must make that so, if we don’t who will?

Happy Independence Day!


- PJ Gentry, Person County Commissioner