Struggles can be healthy

Struggles can be healthy,
but need to be understood to be appreciated.

As we celebrate the holiday season it is difficult to not wrestle with the importance of family.  It is the most basic and foundational element in all cultures, ours being no different.

Fredrick Douglas once said, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”  All our families have their struggles and mine is no different but to grow and progress these struggles are vital.  That said, I want to address what could be said is another family we identify with besides our blood family.  Many have a church family which strengthens and supports its membership through spiritual growth and discipleship.

As a Republican I would like to address the Republican family.  Is one a Republican just because they are registered as one?  Legally, yes; but in practice the answer is no.  No more than one is a Christian just because one attends church.  So, what does it mean to be a Republican?

For a short dictionary definition, a Republican is registered and believes in conservative social policies, less taxes, less regulations, stronger national defense, and smaller government. Further explanation within the NCGOP is referred to as the Republican Party Platform (here is a link to the NCGOP Platform).  This Platform binds us together, we share a unifying dictate to wrestle today’s social and governmental issues.

It is this Platform that binds us together, that we share as our unifying dictate, to wrestle today’s social and governmental issues.  Families, churches, and political parties all have struggles and so does the Person County GOP.  For over 2 years I have watched as certain local elected leaders registered as Republicans have appeared to split off from the party.  They no longer attend the monthly meetings.  So, what happened and is happening to cause what we see within our party?

Every 2 years when we elect the GOP Chair for the party is like going and getting a medical examination.  The recorded events of both the 2021 and 2023 conventions would prove to be embarrassing to elected officials and former GOP members who displayed demeaning verbal assaults on over 100+ members present and had the indiscretion to try to put forth candidate nominees for party officers who have never attended a PC-GOP event.  The aggressive and arrogant actions by this group of people were met with silence from the majority and resulted in a membership vote that thwarted any attempt to change the current party continuity.  Their nominations did not even follow the required process and some failed to meet the necessary requirements!  Those who attempted a takeover continue with their disdain as evidenced by persistent verbal attacks on social media outlets and elsewhere.  It is a bully mentality.

This behavior and the continued false narratives has led to a metastasizing cancer within our County that can no longer be ignored.  The truth is our Party officers and our members are involved in growing the Republican Party within this county, they have developed strong committees, conduct research on county issues, maintain a website, provide a county GOP newsletter with increasing member readership, they attend state and district events and volunteer for District committees.  Perhaps most importantly our Chair, PJ Gentry, was just recognized for all her Party efforts and inducted in the State Republican Hall of Fame.  No one from this county has enjoyed such an honor previously.

It is up to each of us to understand the condition of our GOP political party.  To create healthy results the struggles need to be embraced and rectified.  The PC-GOP needs to move forward in a decisive way, putting forward candidates which reflect our beliefs as stated in our Platform.  Our candidates must be ready to discuss local issues boldly and in a public forum, not hidden from the public.  The PC-GOP does not provide or endorse "basement" discussions.

In summation, don’t believe everything you hear.  Our Grand Old Party needs us to move forward and face certain Party struggles, not hide from them, sweeping them under an imaginary carpet.  Do not let certain county narratives continue without challenging them.  These few bad actors need to be spotlighted and challenged.

Let’s stand firm in our purpose and our unifying beliefs to conduct ourselves respectfully with vigor demonstrating our Party is bigger than individuals, it is our PLATFORM that unifies us.

Anonymous Personian 