The Primary Election

The Primary Election

Whether registered as Unaffiliated or as Republican, most folks vote conservative and say they advocate for conservative values.  After all, the Democrats have taken a hard left turn to crazy, and advocate socialism in one form or another.  Reasonable adults have come to recognize the Dem’s ideas as the lies they truly are, and continue to disassociate themselves from them.

I find that many conservatives say they vote, and proclaim “I vote my values because I always pull the red ticket”.  That sounds good except such a proclamation is at the same time, very concerning.  Why is such a statement so concerning?  Well, it is a statement I’ve heard echoed repeatedly when door knocking to which my reply was, “That is great, but that really is only relevant during the general election, and not the primary election.”

At such a moment, the thought that dominates my thinking is: DON’T CONSERVATIVES KNOW THAT THE PRIMARY ELECTION IS THE CRITICAL ELECTION?  In a time when the Republican party is infiltrated with RINOs (Republicans In Name Only), conservatives need to wake up from their slumber and realize the primary election is what is most important.

Here is why.  Since primaries are ‘open’, unaffiliated voters have a significant influence over the outcome of it because they use/pull either a Democratic or Republican ballot.  Most Republicans do recognize the tactics of the Dems to shift their political-party registration before each primary in order to influence the vote toward a RINO, and away from the true conservative Republican.

Conservative voters need to recognize that RINOs are not true conservatives, and this is how they get into office and stay in power.  Once in office, RINOs do not support conservative values but rather, make secretive, self-serving and woke, green-new-deal decisions.  RINOs seem to serve a different master than the public that voted them in, are not transparent and make decisions in secret meetings out of the public eye and without public input.

My call-to-action for conservatives (independent of your current voter affiliation) is to wake up and realize you have the power to stop it.  Here is how:

  1. Vote, no matter what and in person, in the upcoming primary election on March 5th.  Don’t let election integrity concerns prevent you from voting, because by not voting at all you simply just guarantee their win.
  2. Be informed and learn which candidates are the RINOs.  To start, attend candidate forums the PCGOP will host which will provide you a direct opportunity to know the candidates.  Don’t leave it to chance, or assume that all Republicans represent your values, because they do not.
  3. Vote for the non-RINO Republican candidates in the primary election; the candidates which you know are not RINOs.  Don’t just assume they are not a RINO, because they are a nice gal or good ol’ boy.

Kathryn Lawrence – Vice-Chair of Person County GOP
January 2024