October 2023 - Public Opinion

What is 30 X 30?

What is 30 X 30?  It's a highly devised plan by the US Government, with the full support and backing of the United Nations, to put 30% of our land under government control.

You think it can’t happen here?  Think again.  The assault on ranchers and farmers in the western states began under the Obama regime with navigable waters act.  It continues under the Biden-mafia, and it has been re-named "America the Beautiful".

The Bureau of Land management is directed to spend $4.5 million dollars each year to buy private lands, and to use other efforts to trick folks into turning private lands over to conservation trusts, which then allows federal government rule to trump private property rights.

This is anything but a beautiful thing.  For this plan to succeed it depends upon the public not being aware.  Everyone should be alarmed; this is shameful and flat wrong.

The Constitution is just a piece of paper, but with the People's enforcement it can be STRONG.  Wake up America.

PJ Gentry
Hurdle Mills, NC

3-16-2021 30x30 Letter to President Biden (pdf)

House Bill, Boebert, 048 v4-0 (pdf)

America the Beautiful – NOAA

The Great Climate Hoax

Almost 2 years ago the Person Board of Commissioners (BOC) unanimously passed an ordinance against large solar farms in Person County.  This took place after a great number of residents expressed displeasure at having hundreds of acres of beautiful rural land turned into glass farm crops — the BOC settled upon a limit of 100-acre solar patches.

Therefore, it was interesting, while I was Durham last week, when I was presented with a proposal to join with other professionals to learn about a proposed 731-acre solar farm in Person County.  Mind you, I’m in Durham and Cypress Creek Solar wants to pitch a Person County Solar Park to the Durham Realtors Association.  Then, this same week an article is published in the Courier Times pitching that possible site as a great financial benefit to the county by an electrical engineer, whom has a background in green energy activism.

Thankfully, there are Nobel Prize winning laureates like physicist John Clauser.  Mr. Clauser and over 1,600 other professionals signed the World Climate Declaration (WCD).  This declaration asserts that there is no climate emergency; the science isn’t conclusive.  Over 31,000 US based scientists signed the Global Warming Petitions Project stating there is no convincing evidence that there is catastrophic global warming.  And I add, science is not about consensus, but proving your assumptions.

One of the biggest assumptions, according to Mr. Clauser, by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), is that their 40 computer models are incomplete and using a totally artificial Earth model.  Things like clouds are not incorporated into calculation.

Yes, clouds.

Mr. Clauser goes on to say that the research into the effects of clouds on climate reveals the extraordinary role clouds play in regulating the Earth’s temperature, as they do in the regulation and effectiveness of solar panels.

Yes, our existing coal plants are 60 years old, but have been upgraded and produce some of the cleanest energy in the world.  Compare 60 years of consistent production and still capable of producing energy and taking up less land next to solar, a 20+ life span that relies on sunny days, remember Texas and the solar energy failure 2 years ago.  What about California?  Oh, that could never happen here.

Then, there is decommissioning of solar panels.  What to do with all those old panels?  I have seen no answers.  When you add recycling and decommissioning expenses into the mix then you run the risk of a project becoming too expensive, solar companies go bankrupt, and citizen are left to clean up the financial mess.

Climate change is a big business and real climate science has been corrupted.  Fear is driving people and business to make decisions based upon flawed information.  If solar is so good, why do we pay big government subsidies to companies for it?  They wouldn’t do it if there wasn’t money it for them or laws mandating its use.  Solar and other green energy mandates will result in one of the biggest wealth transfers in history.

PJ Gentry
Hurdle Mills, NC

Letter-to-the-Editor, published in Courier-Times, on 2023-Sept-21.