October 2023 - Chair's Comments

Mud Slinging and other Fun Summer Games

We are through the summer of 2023.  Summer used to be a time of fun and leisure.  But the fun and games of summer are now clouded with political gotcha games.  In full swing, here in Person County, in our state capital, and of course Washington never sleeps.

Social media is inundated with non-intellectual drivel about all sorts of things with ever-growing discourse among people of differing views.  Normally, in civil society that would be a good thing; however, the discourse is nasty and un-productive.  People says things about me and others online which they would never say in person.  Even though I don't know them I invited them to meet me face to face.  They never show.  Oh, and there's always that "what have you done about it, or why didn't you do something" whatever post.  Always wonder what they are really driving at??

There seems to be someone or some group always yelling and stomping about regarding some injustice they feel is occurring, or has occurred.  They call out other groups and mock people without having a full set of facts to work from.  It makes true civil conversation non-existent.

The best example of this was a recent Person County Library Board meeting.  Probably the largest public attendance in the history of our library.  The ire was about a book read during children's story time.  But, before all the facts could be presented and reviewed, it was turned into an attack by a group of people, claiming fascism, lack of free speech, book banning, etc.

It was further inflamed by a lack of openness by the Board of Commissioners (BOC), who had been just plain silent on the matter.  There are a host of other procedural issues involved, but in summary, an issue of concern brought forth by tax paying citizens, with a request for review of the matter, was met with hostility from another group.  It was very clear that one group thinks they have the right to yell the loudest, protest the boldest, to shut out the other groups right to speak and question what is going on with public dollars.

What I witnessed at this meeting was nothing less than chaos.  After an hour of non-stop shouts and interruptions from the floor and upon hearing a statement that it was legal to run down the roads naked (it's not) – well, I could take no more.  I had to leave because I could see no sign of reconciliation, although the Library Director did provide some very good information about moving forward.

A strong demand for openness and transparency is necessary and it needs to start with the BOC, and then to all the Boards they appoint in this county.  Every Board is filled with appointees of the BOC and that should be concerning as it is ripe ground for favoritism.  Selecting and electing friends and people they know while passing over people with actual credentials for the tasks should not happen.

Aristotle said we get the government we deserve.  If you as a Person County citizen continue to ignore the regimes in power, then do not expect better results.

PJ Gentry
Chair, PC-GOP