Cooper’s quiet climate collusion with UN

Cooper’s quiet climate collusion with UN

Amy Cooke

February 28, 2024

The left’s forced march into its aggressive green agenda has left devastation in its wake in states across the country, but that hasn’t stopped Gov. Roy Cooper from quietly colluding with the elite left to force the agenda North Carolinians.

Headlines tell the story that politicians and bureaucrats won’t.  A Politico headline about California warns, “Democrats pushed climate action.  Then utility bills skyrocketed.”  A recent Colorado report predicts monthly utility bills anywhere from $907 to $1,279.

Auto dealers have thousands of unwanted electric vehicles.  It’s so bad that auto unions successfully pressured President Biden to roll back the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Air Act regulations “mandating two-thirds of all cars sold by 2032 must be electric vehicles.”

Fortunately, North Carolina lawmakers have taken a more prudent approach to energy policy and the costly green agenda.  The General Assembly hasn’t used state taxpayer money to incentivize expensive electric vehicles, and it protected ratepayers through HB 951 — North Carolina Energy Solutions — by prioritizing reliability and cost over climate activists’ preference for expensive, intermittent industrial wind and solar.

Unfortunately, North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper works with elite climate activists to hinder that prudent approach.  He’s taken $1.2 million in United Nations Foundation (UNF) funding to pay for executive branch staff positions to push climate policies that will increase the cost of living and restrict our freedoms.  He’s done it behind the backs of voters and lawmakers.
