Chair's Comments
Are you Happy with county government? – PJ Gentry
Big bold question. Are you happy with the direction and management of your county government?? Are you paying attention to the actions of county government? [snip]
NC Campaign Updates
Topics of Interest
Teaching the next generation how to think not what to think
2024-Sep-20 By: John Droz – Carolina Journal
Progressives believe that conservatives are easy to fool — and there is a lot of evidence for that view.
For example, by and large conservatives are honest citizens with no hidden agendas. As a result, they assume that others are likewise. In other words, conservatives are trusting people. However, trusting people are much easier to take advantage of. [snip]
Gallup Poll finds fertile ground for Republicans in November
2024-Sep-26 By: Donna King – Carolina Journal
As the 2024 presidential election nears, a new Gallup survey out this week suggests that Republicans are entering the 2024 election with favorable conditions. More Americans self-identify as Republicans than any other time in recent history. Those who say they are Republican or lean toward the Republican Party is at 48%, while those who identify as or lean Democratic is 45%. [snip]
General Flynn EXPOSES The Dark TRUTH About What's Happening In Appalachia
2024-Oct-4 By: General Flynn – Youtube
Fun Stuff
- Some cartoons
- Some cartoons
Candidates Corner
Our Candidates Corner has some information regarding candidates in the upcoming November/5 election.
Our Library
Visit the "Our Library" page of our website where we are assembling resources and useful information for county residents.
Special Mention:
- Oct/7 (Monday) – Person County Commissioners Meeting
- Oct/10 (Thursday) – Person County Board of Elections Meeting
- Oct/10 (Thursday) – Person County School Board Meeting
- Oct/17 (Thursday) – PC-GOP Monthly Meeting
- Oct/21 (Monday) – Person County Commissioners Meeting
Next Meeting
PC-GOP October Meeting (October 17th, Thursday, 6:30 PM at La Piazza Restaurant, Uptown Roxboro)
Newsletter Articles
Members may contribute articles about an issue in Person County for publication consideration in future Newsletters. Submit drafts to "[email protected]".
©2024 Person County GOP